See How Much You Know About Immigration in the United States

Immigrants become naturalized U.S. citizens by taking the oath of allegiance in Jersey City, New Jersey, in 2017.
Immigrants become naturalized U.S. citizens by taking the oath of allegiance in Jersey City, New Jersey, in 2017. Drew Angerer/Getty Images

Take this quiz to test your knowledge of the trends and policies surrounding U.S. immigration.

July 31, 2018 11:43 am (EST)

Immigrants become naturalized U.S. citizens by taking the oath of allegiance in Jersey City, New Jersey, in 2017.
Immigrants become naturalized U.S. citizens by taking the oath of allegiance in Jersey City, New Jersey, in 2017. Drew Angerer/Getty Images
Test your knowledge of countries, history, economics, foreign policy, and more.

Immigration has shaped the United States for centuries—and immigration policy is one of the country’s most consequential and controversial political issues today. Take this quiz to see how much you really know about the U.S. immigration debate.

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